HELIOS – Automated Isometric Border Population
HELIOS greatly improves efficiency in the creation, issuing, and tracking of piping isometric drawings in both AutoCAD Plant 3D and CADWorx. Its non-invasive design allows for advanced drawing border and continuation editing without requiring additional documents such as a secondary line list. Moreover, it does not require any changes in your CADWorx or Plant 3D isometric configurations.
Along with its non-invasive design, HELIOS offers familiar Microsoft applications type editing, such as Copy/Paste. Advanced filtering is also available to help you hone-in on the piping isometric drawings that you want to work with.
Direct Line List Connection
HELIOS also maintains a direct link to your project Line List. Keep all your isometrics up to date with the project line list directly from the source project line list file. Re-extraction of Isometrics is not needed to update line list information in the isometrics.
Automatically Rename & Manage Files
If your project requires the piping isometric drawings to be named/numbered to a “client” drawing numbering convention, this is no problem. HELIOS has the capability for schemas to be created for “client” drawing numbers. HELIOS will not only automatically rename the files, but it will keep the drawings renamed even after re-extraction of the piping isometric drawings while keeping the designer in control.
Status & Revision Control
HELIOS keeps up with the status and revisions of the piping isometrics as well. HELIOS will auto-wrap the revisions in the revision block if the number of revisions exceeds the number of rows in the revision block all while keeping the overall revision level of the drawing in sync. Behind the scenes, Helios maintains a record of all revisions even if they do not appear on the final drawing.
Project or User Level Control
Because HELIOS is compatible with SQL Lite or SQL Server (company server or Cloud) all drawing information is stored in a database and allows for multiple designers to access the information in the piping isometric drawing borders simultaneously. Using SQL Lite on the local computer allows for single designer type projects as well.
Leverage HELIOS in Your ERP System or for Additional Development
Due to the unique development of Helios and the capture of all information into a SQL database, Helios data can be passed through to your ERP system for material control, isometric drawing status, revision and issued status and much more. Contact Spectrum Solutions for consultation on the power Helios can bring to your organization.
Key features of Helios:
- Uses your current Line List without editing, modifying, etc.
- Microsoft Excel functionality
- Advanced Filtering
- Multi-user access to project drawings
- Advanced Attribute population
- Advanced Continuation formatting
- Isometric Revision & Status input and tracking
- Drawing status reporting
- Compatible with SQL Lite, SQL Server, and Cloud Database
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